328 at Metro Arts Gallery is a must see: here is a 'stream of conscious' review...

this is a piece of performance that creates an opportunity to step into the lives of others, literally...do not ask me what it was about, because it will mean something entirely different to you!  it is an open work, yet has been finely crafted, although on first encounter there is no time to think: it is cacophony...what, pray, is going on i ask myself as i am led through the door (BAM!!!!! as it slams behind me); gently placed within the space: the gentleness and respect that the actors give to their audience is an experience we should see more of; these young vibrant and extremely skilled performers are exquisite as they walk, talk and inter relate with their audience. without us they have no show, and they want that...they want to play with us and they do...one actor (Robbie), at the end of the nights proceedings, gave Bill an exquisite letter thanking him for coming and being such an engaging audience member...Bill (for those of you who don't know, Bill is my corporate husband) was moved, truly moved by that experience, as was i...i am sitting here at my computer this early morning, thinking about these wonderful actors (and i will name all of you when i get some information from Gen!)...Erica, Kieran, Dave, Robbie...you are so open and loving as actors!!!!!! you are what i dream for all actors!!!!!!the last scene was astonishing and i cannot write about it here because you need to discover it for yourselves.  enough to say it was visceral, and Erica, thank you for being so generous...Erica kept telling US we did a good job, and that was so 'unactorly' of her...Erica as the performer, valued us more than she did her own position of power (which of course the actor has!).Thank you Dan and Gen, you are an astonishing team. i am proud to know you, and to watch you grow careers that will have national and international ramifications.  we need to support these two young and vibrant artists, as they so beautifully support the  huge talent that they surround themselves with:Robbie O'BrienRhett MorrowKieren LawSkye GellmannTom McCoskerDave SleswickChoreography - Liesel ZinkSet Design - Elise TerranovaSound Design - Mike WillmettLighting Design - Scott BartonStage Manager - Yvette TurnbullMargi


Acting classes to begin 6pm on Tuesday 20 July, 2010


Welcome to a new acting class at Metro Arts...20th July 2010