letter to my actors: end of series 1 acting classes

Hello everyone,

I am sitting on my PhD couch, (you now know the one), Lou Lou sitting on my feet (move over Lou Lou), with a big smile on my face, thinking about yesterday, and in particular last night, where i watched with enormous gratitude as you created stories of  rich imaginings.  The resonances with me this morning are many...i am remembering the diversity of story; the willingness to 'jump right in', even when you didn't know what was happening (thank you A1. for starting our 'sandpit series' with little knowledge of what was going on (the mushrooms were worth it!)...
The images that still sit in my mind include the cascading sand as S. stretches up to the moon; the placement of stones and palm fronds in B's story; Z's humorous tale that had us all laughing yet at the same time encompassed some very big themes; the red hill that A1. pounded up, creating the hill as we wide-eyed  watched; A2.'s meditative beginning, slowly morphing the sand to reveal her as-yet-unknown story; K1's need to get so close to the words as she performed, using 'i-can't-believe-i-chose-that' symbols selected with eyes closed; K2's gentle blowing of the sand, taking us into the magical world of her mountain, V's relaxed velvet voice as her story grew before our eyes, G. skilfully operating her own lighting, reading-poetry  and manipulation of symbol all at the same time (very contemporary), and K3's exquisite path of-and-to discovery.
I remember how in an instant we set up our smoky fire (thanks K1.) and table of food (thanks Daisy for eating a whole box of crackers!), red wine, the sand tray (thanks A1, B and S for carrying the tray up and down) and symbols.  Upstairs  i remember Z. sitting on the PhD couch with her colourful drawing; G. thinking she didn't want to  write and then writing pages and more pages; i remember all of you walking through 'my' bush (i call it my bush...i walk the dogs there each day) seeing it with new eyes; i remember watching the two young mums walking alone in the bush and thinking i wonder if K3. and K1. have walked alone in the bush for some time? I remember V. and I choosing the same 3 pod symbol and examining it so closely and then finding out that we both are exploring a/r/tography, that methodology that gathers the Artist, the Researcher and the Teacher together; i remember B.'s need to 'finish the  bush loop'; and i remember K2's heart felt check-out and  appreciate her exquisite honesty. And i remember the huge box of macaroons that lasted our whole day (and today too K3, for you left me at least a dozen + to munch on along with Z's humous and A2's salad and A1's champagne and...and...and...)!
I  remember the enormous care all of you went to preparing delicacies that we consumed very quickly! And i feel privileged. Grateful. Awake.
So that's it for this five weeks. Thank you for believing in the work: this work has a life of its own. i never know where it will end. some weeks end in better places than others, for it is a creative process and we breathe it rather than plan it. and i trust that it will always find its way home.    I believe that we created a beautiful home last night, a gentle and  sacred performance space around the fire pit, and the Universe gave us the Moon.
And to the future...many of you asked for the classes to continue with a break (i like a break. perhaps a three week break)...if this is still what you would like can you respond to this email?  Can you outline your wants and needs? what you are prepared to commit to? how you want it to look?
i am a strong one for ideas, and then need an ensemble to help move the ideas into action, so if this is something that is of interest, it will happen with all of our energies.
would love you to respond with ideas of how you think it should/could work.
thank you for the journey,
it was a privilege working with each and every one of you.  If anyone needs another invoice, or another receipt please can you ask.

musings on ImpulseTraining and its growth since the last five weeks of classes at Metro Arts


"The Art of The Spontaneous": experiential training for therapists