nearly New Years Day...time for reflection

This is a wonderful time for reflection: what has happened this year i ask myself? I may think I remember, and yet I always seem to find that if I write about it, do a collage, write some more, many more things emerge, including themes that seem to help me find deeper meaning in the year of activity.  

Collaging is one of the most healing of activities, something that I indulge in regularly expecially in times of transition. Try it, just sit, music playing, magazines all around, and begin to rip and stick. Some of you will use scissors, some of you won't, preferring to rip into the magazine, and then paste...i stick images down immediately and allow the collage to emerge, however others prefer to have a little more will find the way that impacts you...allow the collage to talk to you, rather than you to the collage.



Collage as access point to what we don't know we know


Vale Douglas Leonard, director, critic, writer, friend