thinking about next year and how it will unfold

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I am so excited about heading towards a new year, 2018. We have had many changes this year, and next year is perhaps a year of consolidation, followed by expansion, building on the ideas that have emerged.

Brisbane theatre is working hard at gender parity and I am hoping that more women will step into overt leadership roles when they become available...I also know that there are many ways of leading our industry and we do not need a designated leadership role in order to 'be' the change we need to see in the world.

I am encouraging women to step up, show up, and begin to be the change we need...this includes gender parity and it also includes diversity, so that our industry reflects the society it is meant to represent in stories and performances that provide discussions of enrichment and growth. This is not an easy task, but one we are embracing with relish.

This movement, that is extremely active right now, means change... and change is difficult, uncomfortable with some people feeling as though they are 'missing out'...perfectly normal reaction. Once equity and parity become part of the landscape we will see a vibrant and highly skilled group of artists making work that shakes our community into vibrant living. And that is our job. It cannot be about the individual. It must be about the community.

So Queensland women, lets step into the uncomfortable place of not knowing, showing up, and contributing to the change we need. Join us at Women in Bridge Club next year, a dedicated group of committed artists who want to support women in our town. Contact me if you are interested, or contact any of the members of the group. We will publicly post our next meeting early 2018 so you can jump on board if you feel it is something you want to engage with.

I plan on giving a new year 5 hour workshop, one that will help us dream our new ways of being in 2018. I do this most years, and find that it is a way of creating the pathway we wish to explore throughout the year.

Please contact so that you can reserve a place.

The tentative date is February 3rd, 2018.




January: another opportunity


What do you do when its over?