we meditate together
Image by Tim Goedhart
Another week of meditating, a commitment to come together in the Zoom room Monday through Thursday…some of us come every day, some just once, some when we can, and always, everyone is welcome. Today our reading was a letter to Mr Curly (Michael Leunig’s The Curly Pyjama Letters)). My yoga teacher started sharing these letters in class, and I so loved it, that I now do the same periodically. Today one was close to the bone. Vasco Pyjama writes to Mr Curly a letter, and he discusses the fact that he has discovered something wonderful, and that wonderful thing is his stupidity and he thinks it is so marvellous and enjoyable. And when I read this I had a visceral response. My dad, back in the 60’s used to chastise us if ever we used the term ‘stupid’. And consequently, I berated my children if ever they spoke this word. And here is Vasco talking about how wondrous it is to have discovered his stupidity! Reading on, he writes this:
Stupidity is like love, in this respect Curly. In that, it will find a way and if it is suppressed or thwarted too much it will become a demon and enter surreptitiously into the world as cruelty, coldness or misery. (Vasco)
So perhaps it is a useful word after all. We are told very clearly that if we suppress something, then it will find its way to the surface anyway, so why not settle in, settle down, and breathe?
May today be the day you want, and need.
See you in the Zoom room tomorrow (Tuesday) 8 am AEST. The link can be found on our Facebook Group Page https://www.facebook.com/groups/835515145022233