Jean Houston and Jean Shinoda Bolen, mentors...

I am presently working with Jean Houston on line, reviewing and enriching the work i have done with her over the years. Jean is one of the most inspiring women, and if i were to have a mentor, Jean is most certainly on the top of the list.  Her intellect is unmatchable, and her ability to tell stories is equal to any inspired performer.  Today as i listened to the podcasts, Jean mentioned Jean Shinoda Bolen, a wonderful philosopher who has written many books. You can go to Amazon and download samples of her work.Meanwhile, Jean talks about one's higher purpose: what is it that we are here to do? One way to discover and reaffirm that you are doing the work you are capable of is to think of your life in smaller units, and see the Fractal: just like broccoli has tiny branches of tiny trees to make up the whole broccoli plant, so too we have patterns in our lives that replicate the bigger picture.  Do a collage, see what patterns emerge and see if you can see the fractals in your life that move you towards your higher purpose.


For months we have been gardening and creating performance spaces for nest4change


Monday's meeting: post Australia Theatre Forum...