Restrictions can open doors to expansion…
I found this image included in an email, and thought it very appropriate at this time: COVID restrictions slow us down, and we can no longer fill our lives as simply as we did. Busyness can fall away, and we can expand our present.
I am presently in a hotspot in the Inner West, Sydney. Masks 100% of the time inside, cloudy skies, cool temperatures. Sydney has not had many COVID restrictions this year, and if feels like it is now time to slow down again. I have missed some theatre unfortunately…its hard to not go, but it is safer to remain home. I sent an email asking if Belvoir is going to live stream. I hope so! The Cherry Orchard has had a terrific following.
4change coaching is still relying on Zoom, and offers 4 free Rituals of Practice sessions a week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Presently we begin at 7.30am, with alternate nostril breathing, followed with 10 or so asanas, including Suns Salutations. We finish off with 15 minutes of sitting meditation. I would, in time, like to extend this practice, which is based on the morning rituals we engage in at Arteles Creative Center in Finland (hopefully we will be back there next year). To access the Zoom invitation, you need to be a member of COSY COVID CORNER facebook page.