the importance of stories: little encounters that meet our need for theatre

I'm sitting on the footpath, on some chairs, waiting for the restaurant to open for lunch, or is it brunch?  As i wait, with my friend, a woman stops and says oh, my,  where did you get that dress you look so bright and i answer politely with a big smile  "Mexico" and she says i can feel your energy it is so strong i have not felt this energy in 2 1/2 years may i sit down and when was the last time you had your fortune told and i say many years ago and she says what did you use and i say tarot cards and she says can i tell your fortune and i say ok for i am witnessing an actor of great proportions and so she reaches into her bag and she brings out some crystals and she puts three crystals in my hand and closes my hand and says make three wishes and your aura is green and red and gold and i felt your aura as i walked passed  you on the street and it was wonderfully strong and make three wishes and you need not rush anything your work will change the world and what are your three wishes and i tell her and she says they will come true and can you now give a donation for the little children and i smile and i reach into my purse and i bring out a new five dollar note and i give it to her with a big smile because i am very sure i have witnessed  the best theatre in town.


artists are you wanting a little motivation today?
